
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Tears of Batman / Disco Batman Online Bonus Polybag

 My son's birthday is coming up and while he's not quite ready for regular Lego's, he loves superheroes so I went online to pick up the larger Duplo Spider-man set.  Of course while shopping I had to pick up a few goodies for dad and I also wanted to hit that $75 threshhold so I could get this.  It's been awhile since Lego has offered a bonus that I wanted.

I haven't gotten to see the Movie yet, but I've only heard good things.  However I've found the minifigure series to be awesome even if some of the figures are ridiculous.  These two are just as ridiculous and just as cool.  Have a look.
 The gold cape is super sweet and shiny.

 Sorry for the blurry photo, just to show I ended up with a couple extra pieces.


  1. I meant to get these guys, but I never got around to making an order before the window closed. There are plenty on eBay, but I don't know if I want to drop $20 on two minifigs. That gold cape is pretty sweet, though!

  2. Yeah that's a little steep, but it was definitely a nice bonus with my order. I also picked up the Doctor Strange and Ghost Rider sets I've been wanting besides my sons birthday present, so win win.

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