(Organized by set number)
(Green sets and minifigures are ones I have, as you can see not many)
7748 -Corporate Alliance Tank Droid
-2 Jet Pack Clone Trooper
-2 Battle Droids
7749 - Echo Base
-Han Solo in Hoth Gear
- 2 Snow Troopers
- 2 Rebel Troppers
- Tauntaun
7868 - Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter
-Mace Windu
-Battledroids (2)
7869 - Battle for Geonosis
-Captain Rex-Luminara Unduli
-2 Battle Droids
-Super battle droid
7877 - Naboo Starfighter
-Young Anakin Skywalker
-Naboo Pilot
-Battle Droids (2)
7879 - Hoth Echo Base
-Han Solo
-Injured Luke Skywalker
-Princess Leia
-2-1B Medical Droid
-R-3PO protocol Droid
-Snowtroopers (2)
7913 - Clone Trooper Battle Pack
-Clone Commander
-ARF Clone Tropper
- Bomb Squad clone Troopers (2)
7914 - Mandalorian Battle Pack
-Mandalorian Assassin
-Mandalorian Troopers (3)
7915 Imperial V-Wing Starfighter
-Imperial Pilot
7929 Battle of Naboo
-Jar-Jar Binks
-Gungan Soldier
-Droid Pilots (2)
-Battle Droids (8)
7930 Bounty Hunter Assault Gunship
-Aurra Sing
-IG-86 Droid Bounty Hunter
7931 - T-6 Jedi Shuttle
-Anakin Skywalker
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Shaak Ti
-Saesee Tiin
7956 - Ewok Attack
-Scout Trooper
-Ewok Warrior
7957 - Sith Nightspeeder
-Anakin Skywalker
-Asajj Ventress
-Savage Opress
7959 - Geonosian Starfighter
-Clone Commander Cody
-Geonosian Pilot
7961 - Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator
-Darth Maul
-Padme Amidala
-Qui-Gon Jinn
-Captain Panaka
7962 - Anakin's and Sebulba's Pod Racers
-Young Anakin Skywalker
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
7964 - Republic Frigate
-Eeth Koth
-Quinlan Vos
-Clone Commander Wolfe
-Wolfpack Clone Trooper
7965 - Millennium Falcon
-Han Solo
-Luke Skywalker
-Princess Leia Organa
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Darth Vader

8014 - Clone Walker Battle Pack
-2 Clone Troopers
- Clone Commander
- Clone Gunner
8083 Rebel Trooper Battle Pack
-Zev Senesca
-3 Rebel Troopers
8084 Snow Trooper Battle Pack
-2 Snow Troopers
- Imperial Officer
-AT-AT Driver
8088 -ARC-170 Starfighter
-Captain Jag
-Clone Pilot
-Kit Fisto
8089 Hoth Wampa Cave
- Luke Skywalker- Zev Sensca
8092 Luke's Landspeeder
-Luke Skywalker
-Obi-Wan Kenoi
-Sand Trooper
8093 Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter
-Plo Koon
8095 General Grievous Starfighter
-General Grievous
-A4-D Droid
-Nahdar Vebb
8098 - Clone Turbo Tank
-Anakin Skywalker
-Jedi Knight Aayla
-Cad Bane
-Clone Troopers (2)
9488 - Elite Clone Trooper and Commando Droid Battle Pack
-ARC Trooper-ARF Trooper
-Enemy commando Droids (2)
9489 - Endor Rebel Trooper and Imperial Trooper Battle Pack
-Scout Trooper
-Endor Rebel Soldier Tan Vest
-Endor Rebel Soldier Camo Vest

9490 - Droid Escape
-Sandtrooper commander
9491 - Geonosian Cannon
-Barriss Offee
-Clone Commander Gree
-Geonosian Warrior
-Geonosian Zombie
9492 - TIE Fighter
-TIE Fighter Pilot
-Imperial Officer
-Deathstar Trooper
9493 - X-Wing Starfighter
-Luke Skywalker
-Jek Porkins
9494- Anakin's Jedi Interceptor
- Anakin Skywalker
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Nute Gunray
-Security Battle Droid
9495 - Gold Leader's Y-Wing Starfighter
-Gold Leader Dutch Vander
-Ceremonial Leia

9496 Desert Skiff
-Luke Skywalker
-Lando Calrissian
-Boba Fett
9497 Republic Striker-class Starfighter
-Satele Shan
-Republic Trooper
-T7-01 Astromech droid
9498 - Saesee Tiin's Jedi Starfighter
-Saesee Tiin
-R3-D5 Astromech Droid
-Even Peill with special head piece
9499-Gungan Sub
-Queen Amidala
-Jar-Jar binks
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
Qui-gon Jinn
9500 Sith Fury class Interceptor
-Darth Malgus
- Sith Troopers
9509 Lego Starwars Advent Calendar
9 Minifigures included
-Santa Darth Maul!
- More
9515 - Malevolence
Anikin Skywalker
Padne Amedala
General Grievious
Count Dooku
Battle Droid Commander
Battle Droid
9516 Jabba's Palace
-Salacious Crumb
-Bib Fortuna
-Gamorrean Guard
-Han Solo
-Princess Leia in boushh outfit
-B'omarr Monk
9525 Pre Vizsla's Mandalorian Fighter
- Pre Vizsla
- Mandalorian
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
9526 Palpatine's Arrest
-Anakin Skywalker
-Mace Windu in classic decoration
-Saesee Tiin
-Agen Kolar
- Chancellor Palpatine
-Kit Fisto
9674 - Naboo Starfighter and Naboo
-Naboo pilot
9675 - Sebulba's Podracer and Tatooine
9676 - TIE Interceptor and Death Star
-TIE pilot
10188 Death Star
-Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper outfit)
-Han Solo (Stormtrooper outfit
-Assassin Droid
-Interrigation Droid
-Death Star Droid
-Death Star Troopers (2)
-Luke Skywalker
-Han Solo
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Princess Leia
-Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
-Darth Vader
-Grand Moff Tarkin
-Emperor Palpatine
-Stormtroopers (2)
-Emperor's Royal Guards (2)
10212 Imperial Shuttle
-Darth Vader
-Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
-Shuttle Pilot
-Imperial Officer
10221 -Super Star Destroyer
-Darth Vader
-Admiral Piett
10236 - Ewok Village
16 Minifigures!!!
-Luke Skywalker
-Princess Leia
-Han Solo
-Ewok Warrior
-Chief Chirpa
- 2 Rebel Commandos
-2 Scout Troopers
- 2 Storm Troopers
75000 - Troopers vs Droidekas
-clone commander
- Clone Trooper
- 2 Droidekas
75001 - Republic Troopers vs Sith Troopers
- 2 Republic Troopers
- 2 Sith Troopers
75002 -AT-RT
-501st Legion Clone Commander
-Commando Droid Captain
75003 - A Wing Fighter
-Admiral Akbar
-Han Solo
-A-Wing Pilot
75004 -Z95 Headhunter
-501st Legion Clone Trooper
-Pong Krell
-501st clone pilot
75005 Rancor Pit
-Luke Skywalker (In Black)
-Rancor Keeper
-Gamorrean Guard
75006 - Jedi Starfigher - Kamino
75007 - Republic Assault Ship - Corusant
-Clone Trooper
75008 - Tie Bomber Asteroid Field
- Tie Bomber Pilot
75009 - Snowspeeder - Hoth
-Snowspeeder Pilot
75010 - B-Wing - Endor
-B-Wing Pilot
75011 - Tantive IV - Alderaan
-Rebel Trooper
75012- BARC Speeder with Sidecar
-Stass Allie
-Clone Trooper
-2 Super Battle Droids
75013 - Umbrean HMC (Mobile Heavy Cannon)
-Ahsoka Tano
-212th Clone Trooper
-2 Umbarans
75014 - Battle of Hoth
-Luke Skywalker in orange jump suit
-General Rieekan
-2 Rebel Troopers
-2 Snow Troopers
75015 - Corporate Alliance Droid Tank
-Jango Fett
-Clone Trooper
-Battle Droid
75016 - Homing Spider Droid
-Stass Allie
-Clone Tropper
- 2 Super Battle Droids
75017 - Duel on Geonosis
-Count Dooku
- Poggle the Lesser
- Droid Pilot
75018 - Jek 14's Stealth Starfighter
-Sepratist Bounty Hunter
-Special Forces Clone Trooper
75019 - AT-TE
-Mace Windu
-Battle Droid
-Battle Droid Commander
-Clone Trooper Commander
-Coleman Trebor
75020 - Jabba's Sail Barge
- Jabba the Hutt
-Princess Leia in Slave outfit
-Max Rebo
- Weequay Skiff Guard
75021 - Republic Gunship
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Anakin Skywalker
-Padme Amidala
-Clone Trooper
-Clone Trooper Captain
-2 Super Battle Droids
75022 - Mandalorian Speeder
-Darth Maul with robo legs
-2 Mandalorian Super Commandos
75023 - Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar
6 minifigures
3 droids
75024 - HH-87 Star Hopper
-Obi-Wan Kenobi in Rako Hardeen disguise,
-Cad Bane
-Nikto guard
75025 - Jedi Defender Class Cruiser
-Jedi Knight,
-Jedi Consular,
-Sith warrior
-Sith trooper
75028 -Microfighters Clone Turbo Tank
-Clone Trooper
75029 - Microfighters AAT
-Pilot Battle Droid
75030 - Microfighters Millenium Falcon
- Han Solo
75031 - Microfighters TIE Interceptor
- TIE Fighter Pilot
75032 - Microfighters X-Wing Fighter
-X-wing Pilot
75033 - Microfighters Star Destroyer
- Imperial Officer
75034 - Death Star Troopers
- 2 Imperial Royal Guards
- 2 Death Star Gunners
75035 - Kashyyyk Troopers
- 2 41st Elite Corps Troopers
- 2 Kashyyyk Clone Troopers
75036 - Utapau Troopers
- 2 212th Battalion Clone Troopers
- 2 Airborne Clone Troopers
75037 - Battle on Saleucami
- BARC Trooper
- 2 Battle Droids
- 2 Super Battle Droids
75038 - Jedi Interceptor
- Anakin Skywalker
75039 - V-wing Starfighter
- V-Wing pilot
- Astromech Droid
75040 - General Grievous Wheel Bike
- General Grievous
- Obi Wan Kenobi
75041 - Vulture Droid
- Pilot Battle Droid
- Buzz Droid
- Neimoidian Warrior
75042 - Droid Gunship
- 41st Elite Corps Trooper
- Battle Droid
- Super Battle Droid
75043 - AT-AP
- Clone Commander Gree
- Chief Tarfful
- Battle Droid Commander
- Battle Droid
- Super Battle Droid
75044 Droid Tri-fighter
- Chancellor Palpatine
- Security Battle Droid
- Battle Droid
- Buzz Droid
75045 Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon
- Plo Koon
- 2 Wolf Pack Clone Troopers
- Droideka
75046 Coruscant Police Gunship
- Anakin Skywalker
- Ahsoka
- 2 Shock Clone Troopers
75048 - Rebels - The Phantom
Ezra Bridger
75053 - Rebels - The Ghost
Zeb Orrelios
Hera Syndulla
Kanan Jarrus
Storm Trooper
75054 AT-AT ($109.99)
-General Veers
-Snowtrooper commander
-AT-AT driver
-Snowtroopers x2
75055 Imperial Star Destroyer ($129.99)
-Darth Vader
-Stormtroopers x2
-Imperial Navy Trooper
-Imperial Officer
75058 MTT - Trade Federation Multi-Troop Transport
75059 Sandcrawler (299.99)
-Luke Skywalker
-Uncle Owen
-Jawas x3
R2 unit,
R1-series Droid,
Gonk Droid,
Treadwell Droid
75060 Slave I ($199.99)
-Boba Fett
-Bespin Guard
-Han Solo in Carbonite
75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydirium
-Princess Leia
-Han Solo
-Endor Rebel Troopers x2
75095 TIE Fighter
-TIE Fighter Pilot
75096 Sith Infiltrator
-Darth Maul
-Qui-Gon Jinn
-Young Anakin Skywalker
75097 Star Wars Advent Calendar ($39.99)
-R2-D2 with antlers
-Rebel Snow Trooper
75099 Rey's Speeder($19.99)
75100 First Order Snowspeeder
75101 First Order TIE Fighter ($69.99)
75102 Poe's X-Wing Fighter
75103 First Order Transporter($89.99)
75104 Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle($119.99)
75105 Millenium Falcon (Force Awakens)($149.99)
75106 Imperial Assault Carrier
-Imperial Astromech Droid
-Sabine Wren
- Agent Hallus
-Imperial Officer
-TIE Pilots x2
... ilegosets.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteof Lego Star Wars playsets and Minifigures. This is by no means complete, ... rlegostarwars.blogspot.de
ReplyDeleteA list of Lego Star Wars playsets and Minifigures. This is by no means complete ... starwarslegoadvent.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteThis is by no means complete, but if I can find retired playsets and other information it will be posted here. lego star wars
ReplyDeleteGreat post, I really so inspired from your post, keep continue sharing.
ReplyDeletelego star wars collection
Do you sell the 9494 anakin set?:D
ReplyDeleteDo you sell any if the sets?
This Ultimate Gift Set has everything you need for a truly spectacular battle between the 104th Battalion "Wolf Pack" and the "intergalactic" forces of evil!lego star wars minifigures
ReplyDeletegreat blog!
ReplyDeleteLego Starwars
I like something up in the air more than on the ground like the x-wing or flacon in starwars, they all are amazing
ReplyDeleteThank you for your post. This is excellent lego information. It is amazing and wonderful to visit your site.